Non TRA – Transylvanian n28 carpathi FEMALE
We are proud to introduce Citra, one of the founding females of the Transylvanian Cattery, who holds a pivotal role in developing the Transylvanian breed as our first chosen queen. Born on May 22, 2022, in Bucharest, Romania, Citra has made a significant impact on the initial success of our breeding program.
Citra’s coat color remains true to the natural appearance of the breed: her topcoat is black, while her undercoat is light gray, perfectly highlighting the signature contrasts of the Transylvanian cat. Her coat pattern and subtle color transitions are excellent examples of the breed’s distinctive characteristics, which we consciously preserve and refine in our breeding efforts.
As a mother, Citra is exceptionally caring and attentive. She has blessed us with several litters, and her kittens have found homes worldwide, both as breeding prospects and beloved companions. Her pairings with our tom Hophead have been outstandingly successful: their offspring exhibit strong breed traits while retaining the Transylvanian cat’s affectionate, human-oriented temperament.
Citra’s remarkable intelligence shines through in her relationships and ingenious actions. She has mastered opening doors, outsmarting automatic feeders, and her playful temperament provides constant entertainment for those around her.
Citra embodies elegance and loyal, nurturing nature. She inspires us not only as a devoted mother but also as a key figure in the evolution and refinement of the breed. Looking ahead, we eagerly anticipate the future of her kittens and descendants, remaining committed to honoring her heritage and preserving the finest qualities of the Transylvanian cat for generations to come.